
kin-android / kin.sdk / KinAccount


interface KinAccount

Represents an account which holds Kin.


Name Summary
addAccountCreationListener Creates and adds listener for account creation event, use returned ``ListenerRegistration to stop listening. abstract fun addAccountCreationListener(listener: EventListener<Void!>!): ListenerRegistration!
addBalanceListener Creates and adds listener for balance changes of this account, use returned ``ListenerRegistration to stop listening. abstract fun addBalanceListener(listener: EventListener<Balance!>): ListenerRegistration!
addPaymentListener Creates and adds listener for payments concerning this account, use returned ``ListenerRegistration to stop listening. abstract fun addPaymentListener(listener: EventListener<PaymentInfo!>): ListenerRegistration!
buildTransaction Build a Transaction object of the given amount in kin, to the specified public address. abstract fun buildTransaction(publicAddress: String, amount: BigDecimal, fee: Int): Request<Transaction!>!
Build a Transaction object of the given amount in kin, to the specified public address and with a memo(that can be empty or null). abstract fun buildTransaction(publicAddress: String, amount: BigDecimal, fee: Int, memo: String?): Request<Transaction!>!
buildTransactionSync Build a Transaction object of the given amount in kin, to the specified public address. abstract fun buildTransactionSync(publicAddress: String, amount: BigDecimal, fee: Int): Transaction!
Build a Transaction object of the given amount in kin, to the specified public address and with a memo(that can be empty or null). abstract fun buildTransactionSync(publicAddress: String, amount: BigDecimal, fee: Int, memo: String?): Transaction!
export Export the account data as a JSON string. The seed is encrypted.abstract fun export(passphrase: String): String!
getBalance Create ``Request for getting the current confirmed balance in kin abstract fun getBalance(): Request<Balance!>
getBalanceSync Get the current confirmed balance in kin abstract fun getBalanceSync(): Balance
getPublicAddress abstract fun getPublicAddress(): String?
getStatus Create ``Request for getting current account status on blockchain network. abstract fun getStatus(): Request<Int!>!
getStatusSync Get current account status on blockchain network.abstract fun getStatusSync(): Int
sendTransaction Create ``Request for signing and sending a transaction abstract fun sendTransaction(transaction: Transaction!): Request<TransactionId!>
sendTransactionSync send a transaction. abstract fun sendTransactionSync(transaction: Transaction!): TransactionId
sendWhitelistTransaction Create ``Request for signing and sending a transaction from a whitelist. whitelist a transaction means that the user will not pay any fee(if your App is in the Kin whitelist) abstract fun sendWhitelistTransaction(whitelist: String!): Request<TransactionId!>
sendWhitelistTransactionSync send a whitelist transaction. whitelist a transaction means that the user will not pay any fee(if your App is in the Kin whitelist) abstract fun sendWhitelistTransactionSync(whitelist: String!): TransactionId